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Remember the times when we were able to collect different kinds of poos in Pet Society? In Pet Pals, our pets can poop too!

​How to poop?

  1. Feed your pet and fill the hunger bar to 100%.

  2. Wait 24 hours until the hunger bar drop to 0%.

  3. Feed again / sit on toilet bowl and there're chances that a poo will drop.

  4. Don't wanna wait? Alternatively, you can feed your pet with laxatives so the bar will drop to 0% instantly!

Why can't I get the poo I want?

Your pet need to consume certain food in order to produce specific poo. Refer to the list below for the food required to get a matching poo.

What if the food doesn't fill my hunger bar?

Some food like cheese doesn't add up your hunger bar. In this case, you'll need to feed your pet with a secondary food such as croissants, sandwich... etc to help fill the bar. Eating the main food and croissants alternately works fine for my pet!

I followed the above method but still don't get any poo?

It's normal that some days our pet doesn't poop or just get normal poos. Keep trying and eventually you will get one. Successful rate is not 100%.


List of Poos

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